I accept the Terms and Conditions – form of consent with license agreement.The account contains adult content – set in case of adult content.Website Address – company’s web-site address (not necessarily).Category and Subcategory – company’s category and subcategory.Uri – description in a bot link as follows: viber://pa?chatURI = your URI,įor example, URI of our service = chatapp-24 and link to Viber dialog viber://pa?chatURI=chatapp-24.Account Name – bot name, as displayed in client's Viber.Fill in all the fields, tick location on the map and set account skin image.In Create account section press Create bot account button to create a bot.Enter it to correspondent box and press Next. A verification code will be sent to a phone number specified in Viber application.Go to Viber website and enter a phone number to which your Viber account is registered. How to create a bot and get security token Viber connection in My Account of ChatApp.Before channel connection you need to install Viber application to your smartphone or PC, create Viber bot and add security token of this bot.